State average
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State prison population
Populations held in state prison as of Dec. 31 are shown per 100,000 adults age 18-69. This rate demonstrates the prevalence of state incarceration practices within the county.
Imprisonment costs
State incarceration costs (based on the Legislative Analyst's estimated annual cost to incarcerate one prisoner) are displayed as dollar amounts per adult felony arrest for each county. This comparison shows the relative costs each county imposes on state taxpayers due to their use of state prison.
Imprisonment Costs
State incarceration costs (based on the Legislative Analyst's estimated annual cost to incarcerate one prisoner) are displayed as dollar amounts per adult felony arrest for each county. This comparison shows the relative costs each county imposes on state taxpayers due to their use of state prison.
State prison incarceration rate
Populations held in state prison as of Dec. 31 are shown per 1,000 adult felony arrests, compared to the state average. Counties' varying reliance on state prison to house their criminal justice population demonstrates their sentencing practices.
County jail incarceration rate
Jail populations as of Dec. 31 are shown per 1,000 adult felony arrests. Counties' varying reliance on local jails to house their criminal justice population shows sentencing and detention practices.
Total incarceration rate
Total adult incarcerated populations (state prison + county jail) as of Dec. 31 are displayed per 1,000 adult felony arrests. Counties' vary in their use of incarceration to manage their criminal justice populations.
New felony admissions
New felony admissions to state prison for the calendar year are shown per 1,000 adult felony arrests. This demonstrates the counties' most recent and continuing incarceration trends.
County jail population
Jail populations as of Dec. 31 are shown per 100,000 adults age 18-69. This rate demonstrates the prevalence of local incarceration practices within the county.
Prisoners held locally
Jail populations are shown as a percent of each county's total incarcerated population (state prison + county jail) as of Dec. 31. The percentages of the county's incarcerated adult population that are held locally indicates each counties' varying use of local as opposed to state incarceration options.
Un-sentenced inmates
Un-sentenced jail inmates are shown as a percentage of each county's average daily jail population as of Dec. 31. The percentage of the county's jail population that is un-sentenced but remains detained may be because of inability to post bail, public safety or flight risk, or slow criminal justice processing. 2016†
Reported crime rate
Part I crimes (aggravated assault, forcible rape, murder, robbery, arson, burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft) reported to police are shown for each county per 100,000 adults age 18-69. The rate of offenses reported to police by county, an indicator of community exposure to crime, provides a basis for understanding county agencies' incarceration rates and overall responses to criminal offenders.
Arrest rate
Adult felony arrests are shown per 100,000 adults age 18-69. The rate of felony arrests shows the volume of each county's criminal justice population.
Poverty rate
The rates of each county's adult residents age 18-64 living in households with incomes below poverty guidelines (five year average, 2006-2010). This comparison provides additional socio-economic information that can be utilized as an indicator of crime and arrest policies.