State average
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Juvenile felony arrest rate
Juvenile felony arrests are shown per 100,000 youth ages 10-17. The rate of juvenile felony arrests shows the size of the county's juvenile justice population relative to its total youth population.
State confinement rate
Youth populations held in state youth correctional facilities as of Dec. 31 are shown for each county per 1,000 juvenile felony arrests. Counties' varying reliance on state youth correctional facilities to house their juvenile justice population demonstrates their sentencing practices.
State facilities by population
Youth populations held in state youth correctional facilities as of Dec. 31 are shown for each county per 100,000 youth age 10-17. This rate demonstrates the prevalence of state youth confinement practices within the county.
State confinement costs
This measure shows the total dollars spent on confining youth in the state youth correctional facilities, per 1,000 juvenile felony arrests for each county. It compares the cost to state taxpayers imposed by each county's choice to use state facilities for felony arrestees. Learn more
New commitments to state youth facilities
New commitments to state youth correctional facilities for the calendar year are shown for each county per 1,000 juvenile felony arrests. This demonstrates the counties' most recent and continuing youth confinement trends.
County-based confinement rate
Youth populations held in local juvenile halls and camps as of Dec. 31 are shown for each county per 1,000 juvenile felony arrests. Counties' varying reliance on local facilities to house their juvenile justice population shows confinement practices.
County facilities by population
Youth populations held in local juvenile halls and camps as of Dec. 31 are shown for each county per 100,000 youth age 10-17. This rate demonstrates the prevalence of local youth confinement practices within the county.
County institutional capacity
Youth populations (pre- and post- adjudication) held in local juvenile halls and camps as of Dec. 31 as a percent of rated capacity. This demonstrates the county's utilization of existing local juvenile justice facilities. Learn more 2009† 2010† 2011† 2013† 2014† 2015† 2016†
Direct transfers to adult court
Prosecutorial transfers of youths to adult criminal court per 1,000 juvenile felony arrests (mandatory + discretionary). Youths can be transferred to adult criminal court through prosecutorial discretion or mandatory statutory waiver, or through a juvenile court determination. This figure does not include juvenile court determinations.
Open mental health cases
The percent of the local juvenile justice population (confined + alternative supervision) that are designated as open mental health cases. This demonstrates the prevalence of mental health needs within the youth offender population. 2009† 2010† 2011† 2012† 2013† 2014† 2015† 2016†
Youth in out-of-home placement
Youth population housed in foster or group home care are shown per 100,000 youth ages 10-17. This comparison provides additional socio-economic information related to the dependency system.
Poverty rate
The percentage of county residents under age 18 living in households with incomes below poverty guidelines (five year average, 2006-2010). This comparison provides additional socio-economic information.